What is Gene Editing?
Gene editing is another form of genetic engineering that focuses on making precise edits that already exist or could have arisen through conventional plant breeding.
Gene editing is another form of genetic engineering that focuses on making precise edits that already exist or could have arisen through conventional plant breeding.
In Canada, cattle are part of the prairie grasslands ecosystem, helping keep our native grasslands intact.
We are talking with Shaun, a farmer from Kyle, Saskatchewan. He grows several crops but we are going to focus on how he grows chickpeas.
What is a seed treatment? It is a valuable tool that enables farmers to grow more food while protecting the land and natural resources.
Canadian barley farmer Brent Johnson from Saskatchewan gives us a rundown on the steps it takes to get barley from the field to the grocery store.
Farmer, Clinton Monchuk, and future farmer Kaitlyn Monchuk discuss the main uses for barley grown on the Canadian prairies.
Canada is now the worlds’ leading lentil exporter. We talk with Corey Loessin and his son, Aidan who grow lentils.
Beer Sisters co-founder and Advanced Cicerone, Crystal Luxmore gives us some insight into this growing field of work.
Why do farmers use herbicides?
What herbicides are, and where they fit on the farm.
With climate change becoming increasingly important, managing our soil health is key to our current and future success.
There are many moving parts to a modern, no- till planting system, learn what they are and why they are important when farmers plant their crops.
In a perfect world there’d be no pests to deal with in our crops, but that’s not always the reality. Learn why farmers apply fungicide to their crop.
Take a ride in a combine with Clinton Monchuk and learn what a combine is and how it works.
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