It all starts with production planning – chicken farmer organizations meet to determine how much chicken will be needed in the Canadian market during a specific time and then they plan how many chickens need to be raised to meet that demand. This is usually done about 2 months in advance. This system is called supply management.
Broiler Breeders
Broiler breeder farms, which are operated by broiler hatching egg farmers, specialize in raising female (hens) and male (roosters) birds. These hens and roosters are bred to produce fertilized eggs, that are sold to broiler hatcheries for incubation.
At the hatchery the eggs are placed in incubators where they are kept warm and automatically turned at regular intervals. The eggs hatch after 21 days.
Delivered to Farms
Once hatched, the chicks are delivered to the farm from the hatchery the same day as ‘day-old’ chicks. It’s here that the farmer places chicks in the clean barn with fresh bedding.
Grow and Mature
Now the chickens grow and mature. They live in large, free-run, climate-controlled barns with food & water 24/7. Check out our Chicken Farming with the Keets article for more information.
Transport and Delivery
Once fully mature, the chickens are transported to the plant for processing. Transporting chickens is highly regulated and done with much care to prevent stressing the chickens.
After being processed at the plant, processors deliver all our favourite types of chicken to grocery stores and restaurants for you to enjoy.
For more information about the cycle of broiler chicken production from farm to table, check out: