What Is Supply Management?
Thanks to a uniquely Canadian system called “supply management”. It matches what farm businesses produce (supply) to what consumers want (demand).
Growing Food in Space?
Figuring out how to grow food on the Moon and Mars will be a major milestone in space exploration, and in the process, will also help sustain us on Earth.
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How Is Wheat Grown In Canada?
Wheat is a staple food for 35% of the world’s population and it is Canada’s largest field crop. Wheat is grown on nearly 50,000 farms in Canada and our country is the fifth-largest wheat producer in the world.
Recycling On The Farm: Cleanfarms
Cleanfarms’ goal is to keep recyclable materials that are no longer useful on the farm out of landfills and burn piles.
Why Do Farmers Spray Sweet Cherries?
Farmers spray cherry trees for one of three things – nutrients to promote tree health and better fruit quality, a pesticide to suppress or control a pest or disease, or crop protectant to prevent tree or fruit damage.
Looking For Canadian-Grown Cherries?
BC produces nearly 95% of the sweet cherries grown in Canada, yet the tasty summer Canadian fruit’s success story remains a mystery for many Canadians.