When you need to get dinner on the table quickly, think beef!
Check out these quick and easy beef meals that will satisfy your taste buds and save you time in the kitchen.
Roast Beef Salad Rolls
Faster than takeout, these fresh hand-held salad rolls are easy to make.

Image credit: Ashley Lima
Beef and Bean Sliders
You can’t go wrong with sliders for supper. Beef and beans are a perfect match both nutritionally and flavour-wise in these delicious sliders!

Gnocchi and Beef Stew
A Hearty homemade stew using quick cooking Gnocchi and beef. Dinner will be on the table in a flash.

Image credit: Matt Johannsson, Reflector Inc.
Modern Sloppy Joes
Sloppy Joes are easy, inexpensive, fast and loved by almost everyone.

Reprinted by permission.