Red Meat: Is it Okay to Eat?
There is a lot of confusing information about red meat, so let’s break down some of the common topics and answer your questions.
Antibiotics in Food- Should you be Concerned?
All Canadian farming practices ensure that your food is free of antibiotic residues and safe to eat.
What’s the Difference between Grass-Fed vs Grain-Fed Beef?
Cattle start life by consuming milk and feed on grass for most of their lives. The variable factor is what farmers feed cattle during the final few months before they go to market.
Debunking Food Myths: Red Meat, Antibiotics and Hormones in Milk
Dietitian Lucia Weiler debunks food myths about red meat, antibiotics and hormones in milk.
Debunking Food Myths: Canola oil, Multi-Grains and Potatoes
Debunking food myths and food truths around canola oil, multi-grains and potatoes explained by a dietitian Lucia Weiler.
3 Steps to Improve Workplace Wellness
Since many of us spend eight hours a day – and probably more – at work, follow these 3 steps to improve workplace wellness.