Canadian Food Focus’ goal is to build consumer trust and food literacy from farm to plate by providing information about farming and food through articles, videos and social media posts utilizing communications experts like you.
Thank you for agreeing to create content for Canadian Food Focus. The following content outlines more information about our goals, audience and tone. Hopefully, it answers all your questions about creating content for Canadian Food Focus. If not, ask dorothy@farmfoodcaresk.org or penny@farmfoodcaresk.org.
Also, please join our Farm Food Focus Community! It is a professional development hub for food professionals including dietitians, home economists, food writers, chefs, food media, and culinary & dietetic students. We share content regarding professional development or networking opportunities including upcoming courses, webinars and events through a Facebook group and an occasional Newsletter. It is a great place to discover new resources and information developed by our Canadian Food Focus contributors.
Canadian Food Focus Target and Tone
Audience: Although our information is for all Canadians, we target people interested in food, especially moms ages 25 to 55 making grocery decisions.
Tone: Factual but with a positive, helpful, conversational tone to encourage engagement, shared values and discussion.
Canadian Food Focus Articles
Word Count: average of 600 to 800 words
Article Content:
• Divide the information into bite-sized chunks. Shorter paragraphs read better on mobile phones. Headings also assist with search engines.
• Please credit any research and provide offsite links to the source. We also encourage other links (preferably Canadian) to resources, like-minded organizations and more information. Search engines like these links.
• We highly encourage relating the topic or any of the information in the article to Canadian ingredients, agriculture-related information or another article on the CFF website. This will not work for every article but if you can naturally it allows us to create backlinks to other CFF content which improves SEO.
Keywords: We recommend using https://answerthepublic.com/ or other keyword generators to see how consumers are searching for information about your article so that we can build those phrases or words into the articles. We also encourage you to think about what questions consumers have about your topic and build those into your article. We can also use these in the title and social media to encourage engagement with the content and improve SEO.
Canadian Food Focus Brand Standards
Brand Fonts: Gibson and Source San Pro
Brand Colors:
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